Robert Bell
Robert Bell has over 30 years’ experience as a producer, director and writer. He spent nine years as senior producer and head of production at the Saudi Arabian Oil Company where he supervised high budget international documentaries for the country’s government. He has worked on commercials, corporate, television, and feature films. Currently he is heading Bell Films in Los Angeles where he continues production work with a wide range of clients. Bell speaks five languages and has lived and worked throughout the world including Greece, the Philippines, China, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia. He holds a Master’s Degree and graduated from Brown University. Bell has been a surfer for 200 years, recently returning from surf trips to Samar Island in the Philippines and mainland Mexico.
Markus Davids
Producer / Director
Markus Davids, SOC specializes in underwater cinematography and developing production equipment for his company CineBags for over 10 years. He has worked for ESPN, FOX, NBC, USA Network and has done camerawork for directors such as Willi Bogner (James Bond), Robert Peters, Darryl Phinnessee, and David Staiton. He recently completed the feature film "Loaner" which he produced as well as photographed. He is currently shooting the feature film "Welcome to Shelbyvile" directed by Warren McCullough. Markus worked with both Robert Bell and Robert Jax for many years at Long Beach Television Channel 8 in Long Beach, CA.
Robert Jax
Producer / Cinematographer / Editor
Robert Jax is an 23-year veteran of the film and video industry. Robert owns FiveSix Productions, a Las Vegas video production company and F11 Rentals a Production rental house in Las Vegas. Besides running the fastest growing production company in Las Vegas, Robert has helped created 4 Television shows in the past year, which all now have development deals. He is also working on another full length feature documentary about some community issue in Las Vegas.